Summer Time

I was up around 5 am today, for the usual reasons, waking up from a dream about – a wedding reception in space? – and noticed the light of a new day out of the bathroom window. Light that has that certain twilight look, reflecting the fact that the sun is about to come up, like a big bald head. (I checked, sunrise was at 5:17 this morning, so I woke during civil twilight.)

At that blurry moment, it occurred to me, who’s bellyaching now about Daylight Saving Time? If we were still on Standard Time, sunrise would have been at 4:17 and civil twilight would have started at 3:43. Who would want that? Sure, early March might be too early to start DST – late April, as it used to be, would do.

At the other end of the day, June twilight lasts until just past 9 pm. Not everyone has a back yard or a deck, but I do, and I appreciate the daylight at that end as I sit outside. It’s called Summer Time in other countries for a reason.