It licks the air with crimson flare

Wood debris fire in my grill, just after sunset, August 13, 2024.

Prompt for the free version of Chat GPT: Write a short poem in the style of the Romantic poets about the tongue of flame in my grill.


Amidst the twilight’s dusky veil,
Where shadows dance and spirits sail,
There roars a tongue of fierce delight,
In the grill’s embrace, so wild, so bright.

It licks the air with crimson flare,
A fleeting dragon’s breath laid bare,
Each flicker whispers ancient songs,
Of passion’s fire where heart belongs.

O, fiery serpent, weave your tale,
Of embers lost and moments frail,
In your embrace, the night does sing,
A hymn to life’s consuming spring.

Beneath your blaze, the dark recedes,
And dreams take flight on fiery steeds,
Till dawn shall break, and still you’ll stay,
A spark of dusk that lights the day.

Eh. It licks the air with crimson flare? Each flicker whispers ancient songs, of passion’s fire where heart belongs? Dreams take flight on fiery steeds?

This isn’t bad: O, fiery serpent, weave your tale, of embers lost and moments frail. Still, the effort’s underwhelming.